Socxo validly assumes that You have read, understood and agreed to these Terms of Service (“ToS”) & information provided on Socxo Website prior to and on availing Yourself of the Services from Socxo. You shall not register or utilise the Services provided by Socxo if You do not agree with any of the terms in this ToS and Your registration of the Services of Socxo, shall be deemed acceptance. A legally valid contract is executed between You and Socxo once You agree to the ToS by clicking “I Agree” and You shall be bound by these terms until termination. You understand and acknowledge that Socxo is strictly an enterprise platform/services meant for companies / enterprises / firms and its authorised users & approved users and is not meant for individual users unless explicitly allowed within the same terms.

1. Introduction

  • 1.1Socxo takes digital advocacy marketing to the next level by transforming Your customers, employees, and partners into trusted brand advocates & ambassadors. Socxo enables the brand ambassadors to curate, share, amplify and drive thought leadership for enhancing company’s branding and performance.
  • 1.2 This digital advocacy marketing platform and allied services (the “Services”) is provided as a “Software as a Service” (“SaaS") model by Socxo through the website and the Socxo mobile application. Socxo, the website and the Socxo mobile application are owned and operated by Socxo Pte. Limited, 2, Venture Drive, #08-28 Vision Exchange, Singapore 608526. Hereinafter, the terms (“Socxo”, “We”, “Us”, “Our” or “”) shall include Socxo Pte. Limited. The term “You”, “Your”, “Yours”, “User” shall mean the Entity (Company/ Enterprise/ Corporation/ Partnership/ LLP/Society/Trust/Proprietary conce rn) who has registered at (“Registered Entity”) and availing itself of the Services of Socxo and includes such authorised user(s) (“Authorised Users”) operating under the Registered Entity as Super Administrator (s) (defined below at Clause 4.1), Administrator(s), and Advocate(s), where the “Advocate(s)” (“Approved Users”) shall mean the employees, staff, associates, consultants or other persons permitted by the Administrator(s) (“Authorised Users).
  • 1.3 This ToS is effective upon registration and activation of Your account (either trial version or paid version) and on registration, You will be provided with a limited license to use Socxo and Socxo will provide the Services You elected to receive, subject to the terms and conditions of this ToS. By accepting this ToS, You further agree to be bound by any amendments to the terms and conditions of this Agreement or to such terms and conditions as are incorporated herein by reference.

2. Applicability

  • 2.1All the terms and conditions and policies including the Privacy Policy, Disclaimers and Terms of usage of third party service providers included as a reference herein constitutes the terms of Your usage of the Services and forms part of this ToS.
  • 2.2 By registering on and/or utilising the Services, You (Registered Entity and Authorised Users) hereby unconditionally agree to be bound by this ToS and all the terms herein including the policies, disclaimers etc., which are incorporated herein by way of reference. If You do not agree to any of the terms, You shall not use the Services and use of the Services shall be deemed acceptance of the terms.

3. Registration

  • 3.1Registration:
    Registration to the Service is mandatory, which is a offered as a Sub-Domain space of the Service and You hereby unconditionally accept and consent to registration of the Service and the sub-domain with Socxo to avail Yourself of the Services. The registration process, procedure and pricing shall be as per information provided directly by Socxo and / or by information on the website and application. The changes or revisions in the registration process and procedures and pricing shall be periodically updated in the website / application and by email from Socxo. We reserve the right to refuse the Services to anyone for any reason at any point of time without assigning any reasons.
  • 3.2 Eligibility:

    You are eligible to register only if:

    • i.You are an Entity (either a company, body corporate, LLP, partnership firm, society, trust or proprietary business). An individual in his/her own capacity shall not be eligible to avail himself/herself of the Services unless specifically approved by You through the application.
    • ii. You shall authorise an individual (“Authorised User”) who is of or above 18 years of age and who is competent to enter into a valid contract pursuant to the Civil Law Act (Cap.43) to register with Socxo. Persons who are ‘incompetent’ to contract, including minors, undischarged insolvents etc., are not eligible to register or utilise the Services.
    • iii. The Authorised Person shall have the complete authority to register on Your behalf. Such individual may be Your agent, employee, director, partner or proprietor. Socxo validly presumes that the Authorised Person of You is competent to contract and Socxo shall not be responsible and shall have no liability in the event such person is an incompetent person to enter into a valid agreement. In such event You shall ratify the acts of such person and all such actions of such person shall be binding on You as if done by a competent person.
    • iv. You and Your Authorised Person(s) including Authorised Users completely and unconditionally agree to all the terms and conditions of this ToS including those policies, end-user license agreements, terms, conditions which are incorporated herein by way of reference, regardless of whether You use the Services through the website, mobile application or by any other means.
    • v. You have paid the required service fee to Socxo unless You have been provided with free evaluation as per Clause 3.3 below.
  • 3.3 Evaluation

    • i.You may evaluate the Services on a trial basis (“Trial Version”) by using the automated Trial registration on the website or by contacting Socxo.
    • ii. The availability of features maybe limited on the Trial Version and all facilities and features of the paid version may not be available on the Trial Version.
    • iii. Socxo shall decide on the duration of free evaluation period, on completion of which, You may decide to either stop the Services or continue availing Yourself of the Services by paying the required subscription price and / or service fee.
    • iv. You and Your Authorised Person(s) including Authorised Users completely and unconditionally agree to all the terms and conditions of this ToS including those policies, end-user license agreements, terms, conditions which are incorporated herein by way of reference, regardless of whether You use the Services through the website, mobile application or by any other means.
    • v. You have paid the required service fee to Socxo unless You have been provided with free evaluation as per Clause 3.3 below.

  • 3.4 Payment:

    • i.You need to make payment prior to availing Yourself of the Services
    • ii. You may choose a Subscription Plan to make payments Annually, Quarterly or Monthly subscription cycles. Depending on your payment period, the duration for which the Services shall be made available to You (“Term”) shall be 360, 90 or 30 days. You are required to make Your subscription plan renewal payment before the expiry of Your Subscription Plan Cycle / Term if You wish to continue the Services. Please see the Socxo website Pricing page here for our payment plans including the details of the “free shares” and cost for purchasing “additional shares” on TopUp. “Share” refers to content sharing by Authorised User(s) to various social media, and a single share means a single piece of content shared by a single Authorised User on a single social media platform, once. To avoid ambiguity, sharing of a single piece of content by a single Authorised User on multiple social media platforms requires utilisation of multiple shares, as well as sharing of a single piece of content on a single social media platform multiple times, even if done by a single Authorised User. You may be given a limited number of free shares upon registration and renewal or during the subscription period depending on Your plan, and You may choose to purchase additional shares upon exhaustion of the free or paid shares. Unused quota of shares of Annual / Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly Subscription Plans shall not be carried forward to the next cycle and has to consumed within the Subscription Plan cycle. Unused shares of Additional TopUp Shares purchased during a Subscription cycle shall not be carried to the next cycle and Socxo may decide on the discretion on a case to case basis based on Terms of Purchase with each customer
    • iii. You may be required to make additional payments on a “pay per use” model for the Value Added Services (defined in Clause 8.2 below) offered by Socxo if You opt to avail Yourself of such services. Please refer to Socxo Website or within the Application or the payment plans related to Value Added Services.
    • iv. Payments are not liable to be refunded if You stop using Our Services before the expiry of Your Subscription Plan / Term.
    • v. Socxo will provide a one time and / or recurring billing & invoicing services either offline or online which will enable You to pay for the Services subscribed on Socxo. Invoice alerts, payment dues and final receipts will be sent to Your authorised administrator via email, and who will also be notified through notification alerts or downloads on the corresponding web portal or mobile application.
    • vi. Socxo will also provide the services of a certified and secure third party online payment gateway provider to collect and settle payments via credit card, debit card, Internet banking or other similar digital payment mechanisms to pay for the services.
    • vii. Secure online payment systems may be provided through a payment link for invoices generated or a direct access pay through access directly on Socxo website through a secure payment gateway provider.
    • viii. Socxo will not hold any information related to Your digital payment details besides what is provided by the secure third party payment gateway provider and the last four digits of Your credit card/debit card.
    • ix.You understand and agree that the payments made online may be subject to transaction fees, foreign exchange fees or other necessary fees as collected by the third party payment gateway provider or your bank / credit or debit card issuer.
    • x.In the event of payment made in error, the same should be reported to us forthwith on We will try our best to address to Your request at the earliest as is reasonably practicable.

4. User Accounts

  • 4.1Socxo provides multiple sub accounts per registration on the sub-domain space of the Service allocated to You, which shall be handled by Your Authorised Person and such person may be normally be designated as the Super Administrator. The types of accounts are as follows:
    • a.Super Administrator: The Super Administrator shall provide Content Administrator and Advocates’ account(s) to the required number of users through email invites and shall have administrative powers over all the User accounts. The Registered Entity may for sake of convenience either designate a single Super Administrator or multiple ones as it deems fit.
    • b. Content Administrator: The Content Administrator shall be an Authorised User, having the power to curate, edit, screen and approve/ reject all content including but not limited to RSS feeds, pictures, write ups, promotional content, text, graphics, videos, or other materials, whether created by You or otherwise (the “Entity Content”), which will be displayed on the Socxo dashboard after approval for social media sharing. A Super Administrator can appoint multiple Content Administrators for a Registered Entity. The Entity Content shall be eligible for sharing on social media subject to the approval of the Content Administrator.
    • c. Advocates: The major role of an Advocate, who is also an Authorised User, is to share the Entity Content available on the dashboard to their personal social media accounts including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Google+. Advocates may also forward self-created content for approval to the Content Administrator and may add comments to Entity Content, provided that such comments are approved by the Content Administrator prior to posting on social networks. A Super Administrator may create an unlimited number of Advocate accounts.
    • You shall be solely responsible for registering, inviting, managing, monitoring, suspending and terminating Your Users on this Service and Socxo does not have any access to the User Accounts or management of such Users on Your Service space.

5. User representations

  • 5.1You acknowledge the total responsibility and risk associated with your use of the Services provided by Socxo with respect to sharing of content on the social media. You acknowledge and agree that the Entity Content is purely created/curated by You and that Socxo assumes no liability or obligations with respect to any Entity Content as Socxo does not monitor nor have any control over Your Entity Content.
  • 5.2Socxo is not responsible for, and does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of any the Entity Content in any posting made by the Advocates on their respective social media. Under no circumstances shall Socxo be held liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to have been caused to You in connection with any Entity Content posted by a third party on any social media (s).
  • 5.3You hereby unconditionally agree that You will not post or transmit, or let Your Authorised Users post or transmit, via Services provided by Socxo:
    • a.any content or materials containing profanity;
    • b. any content or materials which are false, inaccurate or misleading;
    • c. any material containing viruses or other malicious /harmful codes currently known or futuristic, or any other disruptive or harmful components;
    • d. content that is cyber bullying, spam, junk or other related unsolicited commercial communications;
    • e. any indecent, insulting, false, defamatory, inaccurate, libelous, tortuous, abusive, vulgar, hateful, racist, bigoted, sexist, harassing, threatening, inflammatory, obscene, profane, pornographic, promoting or providing assistance involving violence, significant risk of death or injury, or other unlawful activities and/or objectionable materials and content;
    • f. any content or material which may infringe or misappropriate any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights unless You obtain rights therein;
    • g. content that violates or infringes any laws relating to a person’s right to privacy, data protection or publicity or other rights of any party;
    • h. material or content that violates copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights;
    • i. content that contain advertisement, solicitations, links to illegal activities including but not limited to money laundering and gambling;
    • j. content or material that is objectionable on the grounds of public interest, public morality, public order, public security, national harmony, hurts the religious sentiments or instigate hatred between communities, castes, people following different religious beliefs or any material which threatens the unity and integrity of any community or country, or is otherwise prohibited by applicable laws;
    • k. any content or material which violates any law or statute; or which violates consumer protection, engages in unfair competition, anti-discrimination or false advertising etc;
    • l. any content or material which could be harmful or potentially harmful to Socxo server structure as determined at Socxo's sole discretion, including, without limitation, the overloading of the Socxo technical infrastructure;
  • 5.4You hereby unconditionally agree that You shall use the Services only for legal and legitimate purposes and in compliance with this ToS and that the Services shall be used only in connection with Your business.
  • 5.5You shall not, while utilising the Services:
    • a.Access, tamper with, penetrate or use Socxo’s servers, computers, or those of its 3rd party service providers, or other parts of Socxo which do not form part of the Services.
    • b. probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network or breach or circumvent any security or authentication measures;
    • c. interfere with, or disrupt, (or attempt to do so), the access of any other Authorised User, or other registered customers/clients of Socxo, including, without limitation, sending any virus, malicious code, overloading, flooding, spamming, the Services, or by scripting the creation of the Entity Content in such a manner as to interfere with or create an undue burden on the Services.
    • d. sublease Your account to third parties.

6. Mobile Application

  • 6.1Socxo is also available as a mobile application on iOS, Android, Windowswith limited functionality. You may also choose to download our mobile application to avail Yourself of the Services.
  • 6.2Socxo may require access to Your contacts, screen resolution, IMEI number, location and related telemetry data, for providing You and improving with the Services and You unconditionally agree to provide access to all required data to Socxo for utilising our Services through mobile application.

7. Plans

  • 7.1Socxo may offer various Subscription plans for different payment cycles to You and may provide certain features or functionalities according to the respective Subscription plans. Any changes in the Subscription plans will be displayed at

8. Third Party Service Providers and Value Added Services

  • 8.1We utilise the services of various third party service providers in bringing You some of Our Services. While availing Yourself of Our Services, You hereby agree to be bound by the relevant terms and conditions of the third party service provider whose services We utilise an offer you. You may go through the terms and conditions/terms of usage of these third-party services providers which will be made available to you while you activate and start using those value added services.
  • 8.2 Value Added Services: Socxo, in association with its technology partners and other third party service providers, provides certain Value Added Services to its Customers. While some of these Value Added Services may be provided to You at no additional cost, some may incur additional cost on a “pay as you use” model. Please refer to the Payment section for details, Pricing Page or Partner page on the cost structure of these Services.
    • 8.2.1List: Please refer Website and Application for related information on each value added service
    • 8.2.2The above list is not exhaustive and subject to change as Socxo endeavours to bring You more and more innovative and useful services over time. As with all services provided in conjunction with third party service providers, Socxo does not provide any warranty or take any responsibility whatsoever for any aspect of such Value Added Services including uninterrupted service. Socxo reserves the right to withdraw any Value Added Service without mentioning any reasons whatsoever

9. Content rights

  • 9.1All rights pertaining to Entity Content belong to You or their respective IP rights holders. We do not claim any rights whatsoever in the Entity Content. You will be solely responsible for creating, managing, editing, reviewing, deleting and otherwise controlling any and all Entity Content displayed on or in connection with Your page on the website or the Socxo mobile application. You have complete discretion over Your Entity Content, subject to the terms set out in this ToS. It shall be Your responsibility to ensure that the Entity Content does not infringe applicable laws or regulations or breach any of the terms in this ToS.
  • 9.2You warrant that You are the sole and unencumbered owner of all Entity Content, and that all Entity Content is original and does not infringe any Intellectual Property or other rights of any third party.
  • 9.3We shall not be liable for and You shall indemnify us against any third-party claims that any of Your contents including Entity Content displayed on the Socxo dashboard, submitted, posted, or uploaded to the website or the Socxo mobile application, or shared on social networks, infringe the Intellectual Property or other rights of any third party.

10.Intellectual Property

  • 10.1Socxo Pte. Limited shall be the sole and exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights associated with Socxo and its Services, including the website and the Socxo mobile application. You shall not under any circumstances have any claim to any intellectual property rights in any part of the Services with the exception of Entity Content created by You. You shall not misuse or use any intellectual property of Socxo without proper written authorisation from SOCXO. In the event of any violation of the intellectual property rights of SOCXO, the same shall be viewed seriously and Socxo reserves its right to initiate appropriate legal action including criminal prosecution.
  • 10.2All intellectual property rights of any third party service utilized remains with its respective owners. You hereby grant SOCXO, unless agreed to the contrary, a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute any intellectual property content owned by You that You submit, post, or upload to the website or the Socxo mobile application, which includes but is not limited to: Your trademark, logo, service mark along with the testimonials and recommendations on and on such social media pages, emailers, whitepapers, blogs etc.
  • 10.3All trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed on and the Socxo mobile application are registered and unregistered trademarks of Socxo and/or third parties who have authorized their use (“Trademarks”). You shall not use, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, or modify these Trademarks in any way. All of the material contained on are copyrighted except where explicitly excluded.

11.Data Collection and Privacy

  • 11.1Please read our Privacy Policy to get a better understanding as to the collection and storage of Your data. By using the Services provided by SOCXO, You consent to the collection, use, processing and disclosure of Your personal information in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.

12. Disclaimers and Warranties

  • 12.1Except as provided and stated in this Terms Of Services(TOS), and to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, we make no claims, warranties or representations, express, implied or statutory, and we expressly waive and disclaim any and all implied claims, warranties and representations of merchantability, fitness for a perticular purpose, satisfactory quality, with respect to the services we provide.
  • 12.2The Services Socxo provides are only a platform for social advocacy marketing and employee engagement for companies. The success of social advocacy marketing depends on various external factors beyond our control, including but not limited to the quality of Entity Content, reliability of social networking, willingness of Your Advocates (Employees, Partners, Customers, Fans, Others) to share Entity Contents on their personal social networking sites and the willingness of their contacts to view and re-share/retweet such Entity Content; hence We do not guarantee any level of success.
  • 12.3We do not guarantee an uninterrupted Service as the uptime depends on several factors beyond Our control including but not limited to Your internet connection, its speed and availability, availability of hardware requirements at Your end viz., computer, smartphone etc., electricity, uptime of Microsoft Azure / Amazon Web Service or Others (the cloud services where we have hosted our applications). Services may also be interrupted if the content You post or share triggers Our (including our service provider’s) malicious code and virus blocking system and we take no responsibility for such interruptions, including cases of false triggers.
  • 12.4You are responsible for all Entity Content and comments posted by You. We will not be responsible or liable for any content or comments posted or shared through our Services and We shall not be responsible for and you shall indemnify us against any direct or indirect or consequential loss or damages arising out of or resulting from them. We do not have any control over the Entity Content either residing in the Socxo dashboard or shared through any social media services.
  • 12.5We shall not be liable for any default or interruption in Services attributable to events beyond Our reasonable control and affecting Our performance of the Services or the ToS. Such events (the “Force Majeure Events”) shall include, without limiting the generality thereof: acts of God, fires, floods, explosions, accidents, unusually severe weather conditions, embargoes, wars, riots, civil or military authority, civil disturbance, terrorist activity, labour disputes, strikes, governmental requirements, hacking, server mal-functioning, breakdown of machinery, default of third parties and any other similar events.

13. Escalation Procedures

Please send a mail to for any escalation support on this service

14. Contact information

Socxo Pte. Limited, 2, Venture Drive, #08-28 Vision Exchange, Singapore 608526

15. Indemnification

  • 15.1You hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Us and our affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any liabilities, losses, damages or costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any and all third-party claims, action, dispute, or demand arising from the use of the Services and/or for violation of any of the provisions of this ToS, or from Your placement or transmission of any materials or content onto the Our (including our service provider’s) servers. Such liabilities may include, but are not limited to, those arising from the following: (i) infringement or misappropriation of any intellectual property rights; (ii) defamation, libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, or violation of the rights of privacy, data protection or publicity; and/or (iii) spamming, or any other offensive, harassing or illegal conduct or violation of the acceptable uses described herein or anti-spam policy; (iv) any damage or destruction to SOCXO’s scripts/servers/equipment or to any of Our clients, which damage is caused by or otherwise results from Your acts or omissions including those of Your designates and authorised personnel; (v) any personal injury or property damage arising out of Your activities related to the Services; and (vi) any other damage arising from Your equipment or business.

16. Limitation of liability

  • 16.1You shall be solely responsible for the consequences of the use of the Services.
  • 16.2We shall not be liable for any indirect, or consequential loss, damage, cost or expenses of any kind arising from Your use of the Services, whatever and however caused whether arising under contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, including loss of production, loss of or corruption of data, loss of profit or of contracts, loss of operation time or loss of goodwill or anticipated savings, even if We were advised of their possibility.
  • 16.3It is hereby made clear that SOCXO’s total liability (whether in contract, tort, including negligence, or otherwise) under or in connection with this ToS and any other agreement with You relating to the Services or based on any claim for indemnity or contribution shall not exceed 25% of the sum of the Fees You have paid to Us within the preceding twelve (12) months.

17. Suspension of Services

  • 17.1In the event of any violation of the provisions of this ToS or on reliable written complaint from third parties alleging disparaging content or intellectual property violation, Socxo at its sole discretion, after intimating to You in writing with or without any reasons adduced, may suspend the Services, and may take any other action as We deem appropriate.
  • 17.2Suspension shall specifically include the disabling of Your Account and/or any access to information or data related to Your account for such periods as mentioned in clause 17.3 below.
  • 17.3In the event of any such suspension You will be notified and given an opportunity to correct such breach. In the event that such breach is not corrected within ten (10) days of the receipt of such notice, Your account may be terminated under Section 18.2 of this ToS. No refund requests shall be entertained for or during the period of suspension of Your account.

18. Termination

  • 18.1 Termination for non-payment:

    To avail Yourself of the Services You are required to make payments as per one of our payment plans. The Services shall be terminated forthwith on expiry of your Term unless You make a renewal payment prior to the expiry of your Term.

  • 18.2 Termination by SOCXO:

    We reserve the right to terminate the Services forthwith in the event of You breaching any of the terms of this ToS. Termination for breach does not entitle You for any refund.

  • 18.3You may terminate our Services any time, however no amount shall be refunded to You where You stop using Our Services prior to expiry of Your Term.


  • 19.1We hereby reserve the rights to modify or update any of the terms of this ToS without a direct intimation to You. However, We may exhibit a general notification on Our website to that effect. You are required to periodically check the ToS for any changes or modifications.


  • 20.1This Service is being provided to You. The Registered Entity and its Authorised Users through the Registered Entity. You shall not assign the Services to a third party for any reason whatsoever.
  • 20.2Socxo may assign the responsibility of providing the Services, to its affiliates and associates including subsidiary, parent company or sister concerns without any notice to You provided that such assignment will not cause any interruption in the Services.

21.Dispute Resolution

  • 21.1In case of any dispute, differences or controversy of whatever nature arising under or out of or in relation to this ToS including any question regarding its existence, validity, termination or interpretation (a “Dispute”), the directors or other senior representatives of the Parties with authority to settle the Dispute shall, within seven (7) days of a written request from one Party to the other, first seek to resolve the Dispute amicably through good faith negotiations.
  • 21.2If the Dispute is not resolved by good faith negotiations within seven (7) days of the written request under Clause 21.1, or such further period as Parties may agree in writing, the Dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration accordance with Clause 21.3
  • 21.3Subject to compliance with Clauses 21.1 and 21.2 above, any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity, breach or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore at the Singapore International Arbitration Centre ("SIAC") or at such other venue in Singapore as the Parties may agree in writing in accordance with the SIAC Rules. A tribunal shall consist of a single arbitrator to be appointed by the chairman of the SIAC. The decision of the tribunal shall be final and binding on both Parties. The language of the arbitration shall be English. The Parties hereto undertake to keep the arbitration proceedings and all information, pleadings, documents, evidence and all matters relating thereto confidential.
  • 21.4The foregoing provisions of this Clause 21 shall not prevent any Party from applying to court for any injunctive or equitable relief, and the Parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the Singapore courts for this purpose.

22.Socxo Platform Subscription Terms

  • 22.1 Subscription Plan / Package Validity :

    Validity of Plans - 365 Days from Subscription start date or the consumption of shares in the plan, whichever is earlier.

  • 22.2 Add-ons or Value-Added Apps :

    Add-ons are optional and can be purchased additionally.

  • 22.3 Subscription Plan / Package Terms :

    • iPayment upfront on subscription invoicing of the chosen plan / package
    • iiTaxes as applicable will be added for billing / invoicing.
    • iiiSocxo Generic iOS & Android Mobile App at No additional cost
    • ivGeneric product updates of both Web & Mobile versions whenever new releases / fixes occur within the subscription period based on Socxo product roadmap at No additional cost.

  • 22.4 Subscription Upgrade/Downgrade :

    • iSubscription can be upgraded any time during the ‘validity of packages’ as mentioned above or at the time of renewal of subscription and will be applied at the end of the current subscription package.
    • iiOn request from the client, Subscription upgrade to a new package during the term and before the ‘expiry of validity of the current package’ will be done on a pro-rata basis as agreed, but will be subject to the same validity of the current package.
    • iiiDowngrade – will be considered only after completion / expiry of the current package subscription.

  • 22.5 Carry Forward of Unused Shares for Annual Packages :

    • iClient can carry forward a portion of the unused shares of the current annual paid package as of its validity expiry date up to a maximum of 20% of total shares purchased in that package, provided the current package is renewed, if still offered by Socxo, or upgraded to a larger eligible package, either of which should be completed before the expiry of current paid package.
    • iiThe validity of the carried forward shares will coincide with that of the new paid package and the carried over shares are not eligible for further carry forward again in the future even if unused.
    • iiiCarry forward shares applies only for unused shares of renewed or upgraded plans and will not include carry forward from earlier paid subscription.
    • ivAdditional terms and conditions apply.
    • vCarry Forward is NOT available or applicable for Pay As You Go Share Packages.

  • 22.6 Subscription Expiry, Renewal, Continuity & Data Availability / Deletion :

    • iAny Subscription which has expired or not renewed or not paid within due date will be allowed access for a maximum of 30 days as grace period to resolve the issue.
    • iiIf the subscription issue is not resolved within 30 days or as agreed between Socxo and the Client, all client transaction data on the platform related to the subscription will be deleted permanently and cannot be retrieved or reused if the subscription is renewed again later.
    • iiiTo keep the continuity of the Subscription Live and maintain the Data, Client should have at least a minimum subscription share package associated with its platform instance and as agreed between Socxo and the Client.

  • 22.7 Renewal :

    Following the Initial Term set forth above, your subscription will automatically renew for a successive period equal in length to the Initial Term (each a “Renewal Term”), unless either You or Socxo provides notice of amendment or termination to the other party prior to the end of the then current term.

23.Governing Law

  • 23.1This ToS shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.