Getting a celebrity to endorse your brand or your products is a standard marketing practice to spread awareness and earn public trust. You may have seen print and media ads where these well-known personalities feature prominently and become synonymous with your brand. Such celebrities championing a brand are known as Brand Ambassadors.

In the past, organizations approached big names for wider exposure. However, we have witnessed a fundamental shift in this strategy in recent years. Lately, brands are focusing more on Social Media Brand Ambassadors.

In an age when the digital ecosystem is overcrowded, making organic growth difficult, social media brand ambassador programs could be the answer to get people talking. What is it, and how can you build a winning social media brand ambassador program? Let’s explore these burning questions!

Download this eBook to find out

Why Should You Set Up a Social Media Brand Ambassador Program?

Types of Brand Ambassador Programs

How to Create a Brand Ambassador Program?

Tips and Best Practices for a Successful Brand Ambassador Program

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