Ever wonder why Nike ads get you all pumped up and ready to “just do it?”
They ignite a fire in your belly, they inspire you to do what you crave right in the depths of your soul.
A 2018 Edelman Earned Brand study titled “Brands Take a Stand” reveals that 64% of consumers across the globe – regardless of age group, gender, ethnicity, and income – are now “belief-driven buyers.” In fact, nearly as many consumers aged 35–54 years buy on belief as those aged 18–34 years.
What does that mean for your brand? There’s a lot to gain from being vocal about your views. Especially about social and political causes that connect with your audience, but more importantly, connect with what you do as well.
But how much is too much? Read this curated, handy book of short stories to find out.
Why standing on the sidelines isn’t an option anymore.
The relationship between taking a stand and customer loyalty and advocacy.
Which brands aced taking a stand in the recent past, and which ones bombed it.
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