Social Advocacy Campaign | Socxo
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social advocacy

Build Quality Leads With Influencer Marketing

Build Quality Leads With Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has disrupted the traditional advertising system and is an emerging trend that can help your brand drive quality traffic to maximize sales. The best way to build brand awareness in a digital...
Employee Advocacy Guide

Employee advocacy Terms: A quick guide to Employee, Social and Brand Advocacy

You may have heard the term employee advocacy being used often by marketing experts in the last few years. That’s because it is a social media strategy that has proven to be profitable for...
Community Advocacy And Social Policy

The Age of Employee Advocacy is Here to Stay

Imagine if you could magically transform your employees, partners and customers into proactive brand ambassadors! The truth is, magic has no part to play in making this a reality. The biggest asset a brand...
Social Media Brand Advocacy

Combating PR with Social Advocacy

Public Relations (PR) is all about reputation – the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you. Socrates said, “Regard your good name as the richest jewel you...
Brand Advocacy Strategy

Branding and Social Advocacy – Match Made In Heaven

Social Advocacy and Branding are a match made in heaven. Only 15% of people trust a brand’s messages and ads. 84% of people trust people whom they know. But where’s the money going? TV...
How Nonprofits Can Make Use Of Social Advocacy

How Nonprofits Can Make Use Of Social Advocacy

A conversation with Julia Campbell
The SMART Bundle & Pricing