Latest Insights and Trends in Employee Advocacy | Socxo Blog
Crisis Communications

3 Ways to Reach Out to Employees About Safety During the Covid Crisis

After all, their safety and well-being is your first concern. It’s been over three months since we first started hearing...

Remote Employees

5 Best Practices for Remote Working on-scale.

Despite all the hype that’s been doing the rounds about work from home (WFH) for over a decade now, the...

Thought Leadership

Free eBook : Thought Leadership. Download now to find out!

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Build Trust in Times of Crisis

Businesses, Take Note: Build Trust in Times of Crisis.

“I would rather lose money than trust.” Robert Bosch Never before have these words rung truer than they do today...


Covid-19 and Internal Communications. Challenging times ahead.

With theories about Covid-19 doing the rounds faster than the disease itself, you need to outpace both to reach your...

Personal Branding

Personal Brand: Why this is the crux of Employee Advocacy.

As a business, you already know how hard building a brand from scratch is, not to mention nurturing it over...

Employee Engagement Tips

The Art of Leading with Internal Communication for Employee Engagement.

Effective internal communication for business is an art. An extremely hard-to-perfect one, too, given the dynamics of unpredictable human reactions,...

The Paradoxes in Trust

The Trust Paradoxes; Edelman Trust Barometer 2020.

 “We now observe an Alice in Wonderland moment of elite buoyancy and mass despair,” Edelman said in an essay reflecting on the Edelman...

Growth Hacking Social Media Engagement Organically.

Growth hacking Social Media Engagement… Organically.

Growth Hacking is much less a freak chance than it is the result of a series of deliberate steps taken...

Employee Advocacy

Everything You Need To Know About Employee Advocacy

If there’s one post about Employee Advocacy you should read, its this one. This will make you think afresh about...

Social Media Trends

The Anti-Trends: 11 Social Media Trends That’ll Die in 2020.

Let’s cut to the chase this time. It’s the end of the year, you’ve got your foot nearly out the...

A Comprehensive Guide to Influencer Marketing.

A Comprehensive Guide to Influencer Marketing.

When you’re late for the race, it’s hard to make up. The only way you stand a good chance is...

Brand Advocacy and SEO

Brand Advocacy and SEO. It’s Tango time!

Let’s start this by asking do you think SEO can be impacted through Advocacy? Ever thought about it? To any...

Employee Advocacy 2.0

Time to think Employee Advocacy 2.0.

Let’s get this right, many brands are already doing some kind of employee communications and also promoting employee advocacy models....

Post Timings on Social Media

To Post or Not to Post on Social Media. That’s the question.

Posting on social media is a given. But are there any best hacks or mixes?

Partner Advocacy

Partner Advocacy: Power up your Channel Partners to surge ahead.

Let’s face it. The buzz around marketing technology and media and the thinning of lines between marketing and sales is...

Content Curation

The Top 3 Ways to Create Shareable Content.

How do you go about your content creation? It’s okay if you shook your head and blinked. It’s even okay...

Brand Advocacy Metrics

Brand Advocacy Metrics that Matter

It doesn’t matter where you are on your advocacy journey – one thing you need to be downright sure about...

Brand Advocates

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Rewarding Brand Advocates.

So you have an army of Brand Advocates, all rounded up, wrapped up in a bow, and raring to go....

Influencer Marketing Tips

Influencer Marketing: Blue-eyed Baby or Brat?

While a lot has been said about Influencer Marketing, many of which, have been indicative of the latter, truth be...

Social Media Advocacy

What’s Your Social Currency?

What if you’re a multimillionaire and you never even knew about it? As marketers, we’re forever trying to create something....