Productivity matters – there’s no doubt that companies today want engaged workers who make their work hours meaningful. The productivity of any organization almost always depends on the performance of its employees. So, it’s of vital importance to foster a workplace environment that’s conducive to bringing out the best in your staff.
Highly engaged employees are 38% more likely to have above-average productivity.
(Source: Workplace Research Foundation)
Investing in business practices that will propel employee engagement and well-being is the best way to keep productivity levels at an all-time high. So, if you are looking at getting the best out of your employees, here are some smart tactics to boost up your company’s work efficiency levels:
1.Lead by Example – The top brass of an organization sets a huge example down the rank and file. Senior leadership plays an important role in creating a positive work culture where employees feel motivated and inspired to perform. Top executives need to act as role models and encourage their team to work passionately. Compassionate bosses who are empathetic towards employee needs are likely to have far more productive teams and also drive a harmonious work environment.
2. Make the Most of Technology – No matter how hardworking your staff is, they need the right equipment to complement their effort. The market is abuzz with dozens of software, apps, and programs that could enhance your employees’ productivity manifold. Throw out outdated equipment and use modern technological tools to gain a competitive advantage. Using collaborative communication tools can cut down on a whole lot of time wastage and help people remain connected at the workplace in real time. Leverage virtual technology and telecommuting to offer your workforce more flexibility and freedom, thus notching up productivity levels!
3. Celebrate Victories – Recognition means a great deal to employees. Make sure to recognize and reward behaviors aligned with the organization’s end mission. Be your workers’ biggest cheerleader and they will ‘go the extra mile’ to help the company succeed. When employees are rewarded for a job well done, they are further enthused to push themselves more and perform to the best of their ability. So go ahead – celebrate victories, be generous with verbal praise and give tokens of acknowledgment to your best performers to watch your work efficacy levels skyrocket.
4. Focus on Holistic Employee Experiences – Too much time spent at the workplace can be detrimental to employee health and lead to early burnout. Help your workforce strike the right work-life balance to ensure they are happy and energized. Schedule time for brainstorming sessions, team outings, and workshops which will keep your employees stimulated to perform well. Include family members and plan fun interventions to break formal barriers and promote strong bonding between co-workers. Happy employees will approach daily tasks with a refreshed outlook and will be eager to return to the workplace every single morning.
5. Communicate More – Open and wide channels of communication pave the way for better efficiency at the workplace. Apply modern communication tools to increase transparency in day-day work operations and build trust and faith amongst staff. Let employees be aware of job requirements and what is expected of them. Communicate the organization’s mission, long-term strategy and immediate targets to each worker to get them personally involved. Give your employees various routes to make their opinions heard, and provide constant constructive feedback to enhance work performance.
Productivity changes don’t happen overnight, they require a consistent patient effort from each member of the organization. Delight your employees with inclusive engagement efforts that keep them revitalized and inspired to magnify their performance levels all year round!
You can also CONTACT SOCXO to get customized solutions for employee engagement.