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7 Advocacy Marketing Tips You Need to Learn Now

7 Advocacy Marketing Tips You Need to Learn Now

Advocacy marketing is a great way to gain a great brand reputation and increase online visibility. You must have known this when you got your advocacy marketing program up and running. We at SOCXO have put together 7 helpful advocacy marketing tips to inject some life into your program and give it a quick boost.


  1. Make Incentives Extraordinary

Mix it up a little with the incentives on offer to give your advocates that extra motivation to be engaged. Rather than the normal movie tickets or shopping vouchers, give them opportunities to build their brand presence. This can be through giveaways such as writing for the company blog or having their profile featured prominently on the company website. You’ll be surprised to see how such an opportunity will max out their engagement!


  1. Be an Active Resource for your Advocates

Consider the needs and difficulties of your advocates and provide them helpful resources. These could be in the form of infographics, research and reports that address areas of real concern for them. And also, have a mentor to ramp-up further adoption within organization.


  1. Ask for Feedback and Keep Improving

At regular intervals, ask your advocates for feedback on the program to see what they are happy with, and also what they’re not so happy with. Then take this feedback and make the necessary improvements in the program to keep your advocates happy, engaged and protecting your brand. Even if you can’t implement the exact change that they want, work out a compromise with them. Even if the change seems insignificant to you, the fact that you’re listening and acting will have a hugely positive impact.


  1. Keep Focus on the Program

The excitement of the initial launch of the program could quickly fade away; and advocates may begin to lose interest. Don’t let that happen! After gaining momentum with the launch, keep the program fresh and exciting with interactive discussions, competitions and promotions. Generate new, high quality content for your advocates to share with their networks. Make certain events a regular feature so that your advocates come to expect and look forward to them.


  1. Connect Brand Advocacy to the Company’s Mission

Make sure your advocates are well educated about your company’s goals, and then explain how their brand advocacy will help the company achieve the relevant business goals. This could relate to sales funnel, marketing leads, improvement in products and customer support. Not only will this help your advocates understand what the program is all about, but it will help them buy into the whole concept.


  1. Train your Advocates

Your best advocates may be passionate about your brand from their heart, but they need to know how this passion can benefit the company. Train them on how to use social media effectively – to not only advocate for the company, but also to build their own personal brands. Make it as easy as possible for them by giving them content of their interest that they can start sharing immediately.


  1. Get Help from the Experts

Advocacy marketing can be a powerful tool in your arsenal, but it needs to be used in the right way. A small mistake can cause a huge dent in your brands reputation. Therefore, don’t attempt it on your own! Get help from the experts who can make it easy to take your brand to the next level.


We’d love to hear if you have any more killer tips. Collaborate with team SOCXO to get your ultimate Advocacy Marketing solution!


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